Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The first day of the rest of my life...a la blog!

This is my first blog post. Ever. I'm doing this for a couple of reasons. For one, I have a lot of great ideas. A LOT of great ideas. The kind of ideas that sound so promising when you're talking about them, but then two months later you wonder why none of them actually turned into anything. Well, this is my attempt to actually do some of the things I've always wanted to do, and said I would do, over the last few years. First up? I've always wanted to be a runner. Not one of those women who jumps on the treadmill a couple of times a week, miraculously never breaking a sweat. No, one of those women who has hundreds of miles and a few races under her belt.

I can't exactly call myself an active person so becoming a runner will be a journey for me. But isn't all of life a journey? Let's run!

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